Monday, August 3, 2009

Sewing Review: Jalie Figure Skating Halter Dress #2571

I’m working my way through the Jalie figure skating dress line up. A few weeks ago I sewed this dress for Ice Friend. As with most Jalie patterns, this one went together pretty intuitively and without too much trouble. I learned a few things along the way, though.

Fringe. If you’re going to add the fringe, shorten the skirt. I’ve never sewn fringe before, but it wasn’t too difficult. I machine-basted 4” around the bottom of the skirt, sheared off the bottom using the basting as a guide, sewed the fringe to the right side of the hem, ironed the seam to the back, and topstitched the seam allowance flat.

View A’s ring. I sewed view A (bottom left on the photo) and the pattern instruction’s ring diagram took me a lot of think time. I remember thinking, “This can’t possibly be right.” I wish I could tell you what I did, but I remember looking at the diagrams, manipulating fabric, and going for it.

Extra straps. The straps in this pattern hold up the dress, but on a chesty skater, the straps just don’t hold in the girls. Originally, I had just used the two straps on the ring for Ice Friend. She practiced in the dress and the girls spilled out the sides. So I added two additional straps and crisscrossed all of them. Unfortunately, to hold in the girls, the straps had to be really tight – so tight that Ice Friend was trapped in the dress. I cut her loose and used small loops on the back and small swimsuit hooks at the end of each strap. This system worked pretty well – Ice Friend could even do a somersault in the dress and the straps stayed on.

Would I make it again? Yep. It’s a pretty cool dress. However, if your skater has lots of cleavage, I’d choose another pattern.


  1. Looks like a neat dress. How lucky Ice Friend is to have someone to make her a dress too! :) You are nice to help!

  2. I just made this dress also, for my 10 year old. I made the size 11, based on the waist and torso length, but had to take it in about 4 inches at the hips, and at least 3 inches on the bust. From looking at the pattern, it seems that Jalie patterns are based on a post-puberty figure, and merely reduced in size for the smaller kids. I'm going to try a Kwik Sew pattern next, for my pre-pubescent daughter, in hopes that it is closer to her actual shape, so I don't have to adjust it as much.
    However, because of your blog, I added hotfix crystals for the first time. My daughter loves the bling!

  3. Hi, Katherine!

    Ice Girl wouldn't like me writing this, but she's a stick. Seriously. No fat, no curves. Jalie patterns fit her very well with no alterations - size Q. I haven't made this pattern for her, but I found that the pattern fit the curvier skater pretty well, too. Well, with the exception of the halter area.

    Kwik Sew fits Ice Girl well, too.

    Good luck! Thanks for reporting about your experience!

    Ice Mom
