Monday, June 22, 2009

Figure skating dress fabric and Jalie pattern #2801

I did some more sewing over the weekend and completed Jalie pattern #2801, a dress with a large keyhole back for Ice Girl’s compulsory program.

As always, the Jalie instructions were good and it went together without any major sewing mistakes.

The mistake I made wasn’t in sewing; it was in the fabric choice. Again, I’m here to be your horrible warning.

I used this beautiful black stretch velvet with a pattern of sequins all over it. I made the white dress you see in the picture and cut out appliqués of the main fabric for the bottom of the black mesh sleeves. I thought I was so wise: all those sequins made for great sparkle. No crystals necessary.
So far, so good, right?

Well, the collar facing, the keyhole opening, and the leg openings are all in the sequin fabric, which is scratchy. Not the velvet part, but the sequins.
Just terrific. I spent hours on this beautiful, classy dress and Ice Girl complains that it is painful to wear.
My solution is to try to remove the sequins on the facings with some kind of solvent. We’ll see how that works.

Bottom line: Use fabric that won’t itch or scratch the skater. As much as I wanted to wring Ice Girl’s neck when she tried on the dress and began to whine, she had a point, darn it. Of course, this is the same kid who can feel a pea under her mattress, so maybe she’s blowing the whole thing out of proportion. Still, I’ll never buy fabric that even looks like it might be uncomfortable. I don’t care how much it sparkles.


  1. Another one of the skaters and I made these for our synchro team. We modified the pattern for a lining- so the skirt is not attached the panty at the waist, and had to size it up past Jalie's sizing for a few of the skaters.

    It was easy to follow and any of the issues were user error. Jalie writes great patterns. We also added a belt.

    Here is a picture of our costumes:

    The tuck you see in that is because the outer skirt was sewn down to the panty lining poorly. I'm just too lazy to fix it, because movement on the ice camoflauges it.

  2. Both of you have me almost considering making G's dresses. Note the emphasis is on ALMOST; I have no talent.

    But the two of you do! skittl1321 I love what you did with the pattern!

  3. Here's a better solution than pulling the sequins off. (If you use a solvent, you run the risk of discoloring the fabric)
    Find a matching color of lightweight lycra and cut it the same size as the fabric that is scratching her, then hand stitch the fabric over the back side of the facings.
    On the leg openings, (and possibly the keyhole opening) you can attach the softer fabric around the elastic like a binding.
    If that doesn't make sense, email me and I'll try to describe it better. I've been making skating dresses for longer than I care to admit and I've run into this problem many times.

  4. You could have ice girl wear a skin colored changing leotard underneath. It's also really warm. Just make sure you go long-sleeved so you can use it with all lengths of itchy dress.

  5. Beautiful dresses, Skittl.

    I might try hand sewing some stretchy black velvet over it, Jillybean, but let's face it: I'm lazy. Geez, I hate handsewing.

    The tan leotard is a great suggestion, Anony! Ice Girl is very self-conscious about letting her undergarments show, though. It'll take some convincing to get her into it.

    I'm going to try some solvent on a piece of scrap and see how it works. A co-worker suggested painting them with rubber cement. I might try that, too. As a last resort, I'll probably give in and handsew a length of double-stretch velvet to the facings. In the van. On the way to the competition. While complaining.

  6. Or, you could always teach Ice Girl how to sew and have her hand stitch the vevet over the itchy parts, in the van, on the way to the competition.

  7. Jillybean, you're one smart cookie! :)

  8. If it's the fabric I'm thinking of, those sequins just pick right off! Just get your nail under there and try to pry one off.

    good luck!

  9. Well, I ended up using Goo Gone on the sequins and they came right off. I tried picking them off first, but they resisted most of my efforts and took some of the velvet's nap with them. The Goo Gone didn't leave a stain, either. *whew!*

  10. I've read some of your posts, and am wondering about your experiences with Specialty Sportswear. I just ordered one of their patterns (a pretty simple one) and the quick mock-up I made turned out great! The panty was HUGE, but the bodice fit my tall slender eight-year-old perfectly. I am thinking about ordering more from them, but am wondering if I just got lucky because the one I tested out was so basic. Anyone else out there with experience?
