Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ice Mom's Blog is One Year Old Today!

Ice Mom's Adventures in Figure Skating is one year old today!


Here comes another year of blundering around ice rinks and sharing my cautionary tales!

I have some plans in the works for a blogging upgrade, so keep checking in!


  1. Same here, happy birthday. This is one of my favourite places to visit everyday. And I do tell all of my friends!

  2. Thanks for your site! I am an ice mom to an 8 year old for only 3 months. I have learn a lot from you.

  3. I'm a new ice skating mom (almost a year) of an 8 year old girl. I'm also new to reading & writing on blogs. THANKS so much for sharing your experiences. I have found that breaking into the ice skating world is a bit difficult. It seems a bit like a secret club that you have to find out what to do on your own. Kind of a "if you really want to be here, you'll figure it out" environment. Keep those posts coming!
