Monday, August 25, 2008

Figure skating camp: is it worth it?

Ice Girl’s been back from camp for almost a week. Did she learn anything?

Her flip is better, but most landings are still with two feet. Olympic coach Kerry Leitch called Ice Girl a problem child and suggested that we, her parents, could qualify for some sort of monthly check because of Ice Girl’s problematic two-foot landings. I’m going to check into that…

Olympic coach Alison Smith gave Ice Girl a private lesson, during which she had Ice Girl do seven loops in a row while holding half a hockey stick. The hockey stick’s a good idea because it keeps Ice Girl’s arms moving in the same direction at the same time. Ice Girl said that private lesson on jumping was very helpful.

Ice Girl had a private lesson and classes with Olympian Caryn Kadavy, whom Ice Girl idolizes. Kadavy instructed a class on costumes and Ice Girl has been sketching ever since. I have a dress cut out in my sewing room right now, but Ice Girl has a new design for a competition in November. I’m grumbling, but we all know that I’m going to give in.

Ice Girl had lessons in jumps, spins, and using a rotation trainer. She also raved about a wobble board that Smith used…now we have one of those, too. She learned about costumes, choreography, grooming, edges, power stroking, and goal setting.

Ice Girl ate breakfast at 7 a.m., worked until noon, had lunch, and worked until 5 p.m. Lights went out in the dorm at 10:30 p.m., but the noise continued until after 11. We picked Ice Girl up from camp and she was exhausted. She slept until noon the next day.

Camp wasn’t a magic pill: Ice Girl’s flip is still problematic and her sit spin is more sit than spin. However, she’s energized. Tonight she wants to help me sew her dress so we can begin on the next one (I am a sucker). She wants to do off-ice training in her off time.

She’s hoping to go back to camp again next summer. $500 isn’t cheap, but I’m sure I’ll spend it again next year. Ice Girl made great friends, learned a lot, and came home with drive and energy.


  1. I came across your blog when I was looking for a pattern for skate covers for my daughters - who don't figure skate OR play hockey, they play ringette.

    Anyway, I've found it very entertaining. I read the entire thing, and I keep checking for updates. Very entertaining. Good job! Maybe when Ice Girl makes it to the olympics, you can novelize and sell it - you might make your money back!

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words, Alana! I'm not sure what ringette is, but you can bet I'm off to Google it right away!

  3. Ice Girl had a workshop with Karyn Kadavy! Wow! That's learning from the best!

  4. Tell me about it, Aaron! Ice Coach was impressed, that Kadavy was there, too.

  5. Ah ha! I just Googled Caryn Kadavy and found that Susan from Lifeskate wrote about her last spring.

    Kadavy designs figure skating dresses. She designed one for Kimmie Meissner.

    That's why she had the costuming workshop. And that's why Ice Girl has been filling up drawing pads with figure skating dress sketches.

    I just thought I'd let you all in on my ah-ha moment...

  6. I enjoy your blog. I also find it entertaining. You may want to visit my site for off-ice training information.

  7. Your blog is very entertaining - I have to get away or I will spend all afternoon here.

    You might want to check out for Swarovski crystals - they have both hotfix and regular and their prices are good.

  8. Thank you, anony, for the tip on where to find cheap crystals. I swear, cheap crystals and cheap, empty ice are my favorite things!

  9. By any chance can you tell me what camp it is that Ice Girl attended? I am looking into multiple skating camps and can't find any ones that I like.

  10. Sure, Alexa. Ice Girl went to Winners Edge Figure Skating Camp in Spooner, Wis.

    I'm sure there are better ones out there, but I feel like, for the money (less than $500), Ice Girl received good instruction and had plenty of ice time. The dorms are clean, but shabby. Who cares? She certainly didn't.

    I've heard good things about Shattuck, but Ice Girl's not going to camp this year; she's going to State Games of America instead.
