Thursday, July 3, 2008

Newbie: I love Learn to Skate

I love Learn to Skate. I never want it to end.

Ice Girl has advanced so many Learn to Skate levels in the past eight months that Learn to Skate will soon come to an end.

I'm proud of Ice Girl, I really am. However, Learn to Skate is a great scheme.

I pay $90 for the six sessions of Learn to Skate. That's $15 per session, which is 30 minutes of coaching and 30 minutes of practice ice.

In the world of club ice, 1 hour of ice costs me, oh, $11-12/hour. That's not including the $35/hour coach, or $17.50/half-hour coach.

Yep. I did the math, too. Learn to Skate is a bargain.

It's really a bargain when I consider that Ice Girl is in Freestyle 4 and has a coach all to herself.

I can see the end of LtS on the horizon and it makes me a bit sad. Ice Girl's coach, Ice Coach, also runs Ice Girl's LtS program. Ice Coach said we can keep her in LtS for as long as I want.

We all know what "As long as I want" means to me: Ice Girl will be in LtS until she graduates from high school! :)


  1. LTS is a fantastic deal- especially when they can stay in past the "badge" levels.

    I'm in what our rink calls "high" freestyle- Freestyle 3, and there is a girl in with us (who is technically only passed through Freestyle 4) who when we work on backspins she works on camel-sits, when we do half-lutz, she does lutz, we do salchow, she does double salchow. She's way ahead of us, but it doesn't interupt the flow of the lesson to have someone advanced in there. Your daughter is lucky to get the "class" all by herself! That's an even better deal on lessons!

    Our LTS is $90 for 8 sessions- and that includes 8 practice passes. It is a DEAL! My coach charges what you've said, but she's the one of the few who does (and she's new to coaching) Most around here are $30 for the half hour!

  2. You pay 35.00 for one hour private lessons? WOW! We pay 25.00 for 1 1/2 hour lesson. If I want her coach for an hour, I'd pay 50.00 for the lesson. Our ice time is less tho. Our 1st hour of Club Ice is included with our membership fee but we can purchase the second hour for 7.00. Freestyle sessions are 5.00/hr.

    I love learn to skate too and the bonus this session is that dd's private coach actually taught her Freestyle 1 class! There were only 3 girls in her class, so she ended up having a semi-private lesson with her own coach for a very cheap price(summer LTS classes are only 35 for 5 weeks of lessons)! LTS will be 40 for 6 weeks in the fall. I don't know if we will luck out and get dd's coach this time, but that would be nice!

  3. Six weeks for $40? Geez. We have six weeks for $90.

    However, good news for me: Ice Coach invited Ice Girl to help with the Snowplow Sams. That means Ice Girl gets a 1/2 hour LtS lesson free and then works for 1/2 hour with the little Snowplows!

    Hah! Finally this skating thing is paying off! :)

  4. Yes, LTS classes around here are VERY reasonable. There are 2 rinks relatively close to us and both have very reasonable prices for LTS.

    Our coaches fees seem to be comparable to others but our ice time and LTS classes are quite affordable.

    One of the workers at the rink, mentioned the possibility of dd being able to help in Slow Plow Sam classes. I haven't asked the skating director yet, BUT considering dh is interviewing at the rink on Thursday, I think I will wait. LTS classes will be cheaper AND ice time will be free too(unless it is club ice...) Free ice sounds good to me! Hee hee!

  5. $35 for an hour private? That is such a great deal. I have two coaches - one is $35 for a half and the other I pay $68 for 45 minutes. Plus your ice time is definitely cheaper too. But then again, I feel blessed because I visited my sister earlier in the year and they pay $8/half hour of freestyle so to get my normal daily icetime it cost me $32! Wow!
