Thursday, April 3, 2008

Music: Ice Girl's choice is Laura's Zest

I could spend this entire space typing about how much Ice Girl's skating improved after 20+ hours of ice time over spring break. Don't roll your eyes - this is a kid who walks into walls on dry land. This is a kid who falls up stairs and breaks two fingers doing it. I could brag about her skating, her progress, etc., but I won't. It's just a pleasure to watch her excel at some sport - any sport.

Instead of blathering on, I'm going to talk about music. Ice Girl and I are huge Project Runway fans. We loved Laura Bennett's designs from Season 3, but really, her show music was so, so cool.
Ice Girl's coach approached me with a smile the other day and gave Ice Girl and me an assignment: find some instrumental program music. Immediately, Laura's Zest, Bennett's show music from Spot on Sounds came to mind. Wanna hear it? Go here.
Ice Coach needs to pare the almost five-minute song down to a little over one minute (about 1:10). I sent her here for Audacity free music editing software.
Anyway, listen to the music and let me know what you think. Ice Girl and I think it's hip, yet retro. Very, very cool.

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